Voices of Youths

Welcome to the blogsite of the vibrant youths of our fellowship. It is here where we connect "virtually", and engage in discussion, sharing and reflection on matters close to our hearts.

Blog Posts

Monday, 21 December 2009

To conclude the year 2009

Well, I guess if I don't write something, this blog is might as well considered dead. :)
Info and photos of YPF outings, camp etc. are ALL on facebook, since technology is now so advanced.
Thus, we should all have a facebook account, so that it's easier to tag you and to keep up-to-date on what's happening. =)
Thank God that another year has passed smoothly under His guidance through Marcus and our group leaders, Weiwu, Darius, Mei Yun and Le Yi. (applause!)
It's also glad to see that people are coming to church more often and coming for YPF gathering and outings.
And I'm sure that we learnt a lot this camp, after the lessons Marcus taught us.
It's truly a 'Really Experiencing Abundant Life' Camp!
If I were to list out what I want to give thanks for, I think you have to spend 1 month reading it. So I shall skip that. :)
Lastly, pray for Christmas Gospel Concert this upcoming Friday, do invite your friends!!:)

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)
不要乱动!凡事要冷静 (:

Chinese New Year visitation 2006

Chinese New Year visitation 2006
at david's house (: pardon me, i really LOVE THIS PICTURE, we all looked SO HAPPY! haha (: --yunx. p/s: let's take manymany photos this coming CNY visitation k k K.