Voices of Youths

Welcome to the blogsite of the vibrant youths of our fellowship. It is here where we connect "virtually", and engage in discussion, sharing and reflection on matters close to our hearts.

Blog Posts

Thursday, 25 December 2008

YPF Camp 2008

Our youth camp was held from 8 to 10 Dec, and it was indeed a joyous time of fellowship for young brothers and sisters in Christ. Not only did we have an enjoyable time, we also truly understood that God is the Lord of our lives, and that we ought to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ.

The first thing we did when we arrived at the Girls Brigade HQ was to check out our bunks, and got busy ‘dressing up’ our beds.

Mei Ling’s ‘banana boat’! =D

And some of us posed for the camera while taking a break

If you think this is cute…

Check this out! =D

Throughout the camp, we played “sheep and shepherd”. Here we are, writing notes to our sheep and replying our shepherds!

Shiao Hong seriously finding a verse for her shepherd (me!) =) *Honghong, thanks for your encouragement!*

Mei yun the Postman~

Reading our notes of encouragement

Laughing at the handwriting-disguised note to Jia Ming from his secret shepherd (Gloria!)

Who is disturbing Zhou Wei from reading her book? ^.^

Group discussion during learning session

After brother Marcus’ teaching, we took some time to seriously reflect upon our lives and commit ourselves to truly live for God, and we prayed together.

Mei Ling excited over Wee Ling’s baby =)
Thank God our dear little baby Qin En was born safely on 18 dec!

Stoning… Waiting for lights off at midnight

After a good night’s rest, we headed back to the church office, and had graduation for YPFers moving up to YAF! I pray that all of us, besides maturing in age, will also grow spiritually too. =)

Tuesday, 29 July 2008


As the mission month comes to an end, consider planting your 'seed' to advance God's kingdom.

Have you set aside a portion of your saving to give towards mission? Perhaps it is the North Thailand children and students we had visited last year. Or the needs of the new teaching ministry in Malaysia. Or even our existing literature ministry.

More importantly, have you invested time and effort in praying for them?

The LORD will increase your harvest. You must first plant.

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)
不要乱动!凡事要冷静 (:

Chinese New Year visitation 2006

Chinese New Year visitation 2006
at david's house (: pardon me, i really LOVE THIS PICTURE, we all looked SO HAPPY! haha (: --yunx. p/s: let's take manymany photos this coming CNY visitation k k K.