Voices of Youths

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Monday, 5 November 2007

Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement

-Focus Passage- Acts 11:19-24

19Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews. 20Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. 21The Lord's hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.

22News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

There's something about Barnabas! His name means "encouragement", and here's one who's truly true to his name! From the passage, you can tell that this man was evidently one of pure and good heart, who witnesses the hand of God at work and responded in praise and gladness, then immediately join in the fun! What a spontaneous, excited and exciting man of God! As we look at this short but insightful account of Barnabas, let us see how the gift of encouragement operates in a man of God:

  1. The verse says that Barnabas "saw" the evidence of the grace of God. What we actually "see" is very important. Imagine if Barnabas was a narrow minded man. What would he see? An unclean alliance of Jews and 'dirty' Gentiles? An offshoot of the church needy of submitting to the Jerusalem church's authority?
    But not Barnabas. He was different, because deep in his heart he has given himself to the Lord, to rejoice over the things that God rejoices, to be broken over the things that breaks the heart of God.

    You might note that this was the same Barnabas who saw the genuine change in Saul (Acts 9:26-28) when the rest of the church was terrified by the ex-persecutor of all things Christian. That showed what kind of a broad heart he has.

  2. "When he saw…he was glad"
    Sometimes what we see really reflect the state of heart we're in. Are you walking so closely with God that your desires and interests reflect His own? Are you actively looking for evidence of God's grace working in people's lives?

    If your answer is 'yes', think about this: when was the last time you heard about someone being saved? Some good thing happening in your brother/sister's life?

    What was your immediate response?

  3. "He was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts." That's a long sentence, but it speaks volumes. What do you encourage a new Christian? A brother or sister in Christ who's in distress? Do you religiously 'encourage' the person to 'do' his/her Quiet Time (as if it's something to be done?) Or do you get to the heart of the matter?

    The heart of the matter is the heart. We can do all the external things, but for the wrong reasons, if we do it not for Christ. Barnabas knew that, and it's the first priority in his mind when he got to encourage them.

    How is your heart today? Are you true to Christ? Can you honestly say that you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength?

  4. Have you noticed how often the great men of God were described in Acts as "full of the Holy Spirit"? Remember Stephen (Acts 6)? Barnabas was also a Spirit-filled man. He gave his life to love God and serve Him wholeheartedly, and because of his love for God, the Holy Spirit was pleased to fill him.

    I believe it means that Barnabas was constantly walking in the Spirit. It wasn't like, when we need to share the gospel, or make a public sharing, and we pay, "Please, Holy Spirit, I need You now!" then after the whole thing lived as if nothing had changed.

    I believe it's something constant, something regular in Barnabas' life, such that people could see that the Spirit of God was evidently with him.

    Question: Does God expect any lesser from us? Than to walk in the Spirit, that you do not gratify the desires of your sinful nature (Gal 5:16)?

    There's a hymn that goes,

    Fill me now, fill me now
    Spirit come and fill me now
    Fill me with Thy hallowed presence
    Come, O come, and fill me now!

    May we desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit at all times…not just when we think we need Him!

  5. "A great number of people were brought to the Lord." The evidence of true, fruit-bearing disciple of Christ. Barnabas' life was so attractive that he brought another wave of people to the Lord.
    A good tree bears good fruit. A bad tree bears bad fruit. Out of the fullness of the heart a man speaks. And when Barnabas' heart is deeply in love and thoroughly immersed in the Person of God, out of his heart flows springs of living waters.

    When Christ is lifted up in a person's life, He will draw others to Himself, naturally (and supernaturally!). Imagine the impact of our lives if we're fully surrendered to the Spirit of God!

    Today many Christians are living their lives devoid of the Holy Spirit's filling and presence, and yet they're too lukewarm to think it a shame. As you look back on the opportunities you've lost in life, what are your thoughts? Will you take the Lord on His promise, that He will not turn away those who turn to Him (John 6:37)? Will you learn from Barnabas' example, and be an encouragement to others?

    Your life can only make a difference if the Spirit of God reigns in you. Let it be today.

    Let it be now.

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)

YPF with youths of Christ Commission Center in Penang (26 - 29 Dec 2006)
不要乱动!凡事要冷静 (:

Chinese New Year visitation 2006

Chinese New Year visitation 2006
at david's house (: pardon me, i really LOVE THIS PICTURE, we all looked SO HAPPY! haha (: --yunx. p/s: let's take manymany photos this coming CNY visitation k k K.